Monday, June 9, 2008

One of my favourite things to do when I'm walking around town is to look at houses. I particularly love old heritage homes, but really any house is fair game when it comes my 'constructive critiquing'. "What the heck were they thinking when painting that house pepto PINK and all those odd additions... tsk tsk... They really should address the water damage thanks to all the stucco." 

The one thing that stands out to me the most is when TV's are placed in front of big picture windows in living rooms. I've seen so many ranging from giant flat screen tvs to smaller box tvs nestled in those big rectangular entertainment units. I've even see more than one tv plus equipment piled up in front of a window. These people really don't want to beat around the bush when it comes to their priorities. Why look outside when you can look at the TV? Who needs sunlight anyway when the tv emits perfectly good radiation over everything day and night?

I actually find it disturbing, although pretty standard to be walking in the evening and seeing house after house with tvs flickering away. When the tv isn't conveniently placed in front of the window you can usually see everyone in the family sitting perfectly still as the picture reflects off their faces. I suppose this is a much better sight than seeing the flickering of tvs in each room with the family separate from each other. I'm often surprised when normally intelligent, motivated people are drawn in and completely consumed by tacky low grade television, they've likely seen before, for hours at a time. 

How many people out there don't even own a tv anymore? Why is cable considered a "need" for people of lower income? How can it even fit into some people's budget? The most basic of cable is $32.95 a month. That's almost $400 a year of time wasting mind suck! How much do you spend on cable tv? 

There are many article out there that would caution against letting young children even watch tv. Just to name a few: Infants weaned on tv cannot concentrate, Too Much TV Can Have Negative Impact on Children, TV Has Negative Impact On Very Young Children's Learning AbilitiesTrash Your TV.... 

What happened to getting outside after supper in the evenings to sit on the porch or out for a stroll? Can you imagine conversations with family and friends in the evenings or games being played? How about a quiet book to feed and relax your mind? 

I say do like the bumper says and:

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